April 21, 2009

Money Money Money…Enneagram and Financial Contentment, via Sandja Brügmann.

The Enneagram and Money

Come to terms with your inner money monster.

If you are like most people, you’ve experienced increased tension and stress due to the shaky global economy. Can you imagine not being anxious about money, and actually being content with what is right here and now?

If you’re like most of us, you’d probably like to change your relationship to money.

Our personality deeply influences our thoughts and feelings. We all experience anxiety, frustrations, denial, hopelessness and a sense that there will never be enough. However, we can decide to come to terms with these elements and create a conscious response to these stressors, rather than letting the stress and fear run and ruin you.

The current financial crisis offers an opportunity to transform the way we live, think and feel. The Enneagram work can help you understand how the strengths of your personality can provide a map toward peace with what you have, rather than fear about what you are losing. Take a free preliminary Enneagram Personality Test on Be People Smart’s website http://www.bepeoplesmart.com/eg/index.html

The Enneagram and Money full day seminar May 30th, 2009 in Boulder, CO
Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Location: The Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder Colorado
Cost: Early bird – $75 before May 16th
$95 after May 16th
* Bring a friend for $50!
Teachers: Carolyn Schuham LCSW and Elizabeth Taeubert LCSW

Further details http://www.bepeoplesmart.com/symm.html

Seminar Details: Learn strategies, tactics and tools for transforming your relationship with money.

Learn how your Enneagram (personality style) :
· Influences your feelings, beliefs and actions regarding money.
· Has gotten you to the financial life you have today.
· Can give you insight and the power to change.
· Can help you move from an automatic response to money to one
of choice.

About the teachers:
Carolyn Schuham, LCSW, Masters Certification in organizational development and Enneagram credentials, she uses her people skills to create positive change within individuals and organizations.

Elizabeth Taeubert, LCSW, RNMS brings her facilitator skills and coaching to assist executives, managers and teams to identify and address their relationship building needs in order to work more effectively together.

Elizabeth and Carolyn have been teaching the Enneagram for over 20 years.

The Enneagram system describes nine distinct personality types and their interrelationships. Each personality type associated with the Enneagram represents a map of traits that highlights patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. By learning one’s type and the patterns and habits associated with that type, one can use the Enneagram system as an effective tool for self-understanding and self-development. (Source: Wikipedia)

Further details www.bepeoplesmart.com or call Carolyn Schuham at 303-440-5778.

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