April 20, 2009

Tulku ~ official trailer.

Update: Tulku screening in Boulder at Boulder Shambhala Center tomorrow night!

I’m not right often, but I’m laying ratnas down on Gesar Mukpo’s Tulku—it’s going to Sundance, it’s going wherever it wants. Tulku is directed by…a tulku (reincarnated Buddha, according to Buddhist tradition) pal o’mine, the inimitable fiery sweet Gesar Mukpo—son of Trungpa Rinpoche (Gesar first appears in the trailer at a minute twenty.

If you enjoy, email this link to friends, it’s at 171 views on Youtube right now let’s get it rolling viral, get some wind beneath its wings—every time you or someone else clicks play below it registers another view, which helps it get into Google, which helps it blossom in the busy hazy crazy world of mainstream media.

“We’re still waiting for him to do what he’s supposed to do!” Well, finally, I think I see…Gesar’s just done us one better, spreading the complex humorous serious Buddhadharma tradition well beyond the choir, the “cesspool of gossip, hate…”

This is the official trailer for TULKU a documentary film directed by Gesar Mukpo.

Alright after much work I have completed my first documentary film. This trailer is a peek at the film which will premier in Vancouver at the DOXA film festival in May 2009.

I don’t have enough space to thank everyone here but let it suffice to say that this film wouldn’t have happened without the belief, trust patience and extra hours of so many people. Thank you everyone!

Property of the NFB and CBCnews

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