May 18, 2009

Planet Green: Ultimate Green Wedding Guide.

Planet Green: Ultimate Green Wedding Guide.

Now, normally we here at elephantjournal.com aim to write our own material, do our own research…sure, we link and excerpt and embed…but that’s what this here internet is all about: networking, connecting and sharing (as evidenced by embeddable videos, how linking benefits both parties’ traffic).

More to the point, asking yours truly for “green wedding advice and resources” is like asking a fish how to fly, or a vegetarian where to hunt. So, over to the experts: Planet Green has put together an impressive Ultimate Green Wedding Guide (their first advice is, spend less, save green, and it’ll likely make your wedding a bit greener). We’ve all attended wonderful weddings that added wonderfully to our landfills for time immemorial. And, you know, whadduweedo about all those jet fuel-spilling miles and non-organic food?

Our love oughta be eternal, not our landfills.

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