June 11, 2009

If we reach 6K Twitter Followers by Friday at 5pm, we’ll donate four $400 ads to deserving companies.

In Twitter language: we have 4 non-profit ad spaces 2 fill. Will donate all, $400 each, if reach 6K follows by Fri 5pm. Who wins?

In non-140-characters-restricted English: we have four spare $400 ads that I’d like to offer to deserving non-profits or companies in need. I first thought to donate a few one-month, standard, square ads when I heard that my dear friend and peer Depra Caplin, a wonderful womenpreneur in downtown Boulder, is having problems paying the rent in these slow economic times. She runs a wonderful, indie, local, tasteful, super-stylish lingerie shop (and yah, they got some nice undies and havianas for boys, too) called The T Bar.

Then, I figured I might as well offer an ad to Downtown Boulder, an organization in my ‘hood that supports many such businesses, the kind that make Boulder Boulder, the kind that make your hometown, wherever you are, unique.

But, then, to make this little well-intentioned stunt nationally-applicable, I thought I’d donate one to Grist, since they held a recent fundraiser and, as an eco-enterpreneur who recently went paperless (we used to print a magazine called elephant journal, nationally) I haven’t paid myself much in six months and therefore couldn’t give to Grist. Still, I love and appreciate their work, and so would love to offer them something I can: a one month, $400 ad that links to their site.

The final $400 one month ad? Could be yours. Any national business (ideally, a non-profit, but any mission-driven biz is eligible) that shows us a mass email or RT they’ve sent with this link, that’s helped us achieve this last-minute 6,000 follower goal of ours—which in turn will help our fledgling organization reach not only the choir but a bit of “the masses”—well I’ll be happy to put your name in one of my vintage trucker hats, and tweet about the winner at the end of #followfriday, only 25 hours away.

Our twitter tag: @elephantjournal. Follow away! (We typically add 80 followers a day, so this will take quite an Retweet and email push by any businesses who want to support the above three businesses, or who want to win the fourth ad).

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