July 29, 2009

(Frat) Boys will be (Eco) Boys. Only in Boulder?

Goodbye, Solo Cup. Hello, Solar Panels.

A New Image for Fraternities?

Kappa Sigma goes Solar, rescues helpless puppy: an Only in Boulder moment?


You know solar is beginning to make sense when it reaches beyond the environmental crowd and straight into the heart of mainstream, just-wanna-have-a-good-time America. Kappa Sigma’s Boulder, Colorado chapter leads the way.

Boulder, Colorado) Yesterday, I was biking my way with Redford, my half-hound, for a grouchy black-coffee and best-in-Boulder pastry-fueld brunch at Burnt Toast, an eco-ish favorite restaurant of mine in Boulder, Colorado. On the way, we caught a chocolate lab, running wild and free, called his owner, and returned the dog to his master. I mean, guardian.

We then ran into a big tall wide frat boy with a little new puppy. Man, this guy should be the spokesman for a Reformed Image of Fraternities Everywhere. He casually informed us that he’d adopted the little two-week-old pup when he’d seen in “in a bag” carried by the Rainbow Children, who were in town last week. Said Frat boy then said he’d told the Rainbow children he’d like to adopt the pup, give it a better life that perhaps they couldn’t afford. Seeing as how The Children had a whole litter (not responsible parenting, Children, considering Humane Societies are over-full across our Nation—and you know what they means for the un-adopted). They readily assented.

I then pointed out the solar panels lining the big Frat House he stood in front of. Or, rather, behind.

This your House, I asked?


Why’d you put in panels, I asked, expecting an uninformed, unenthusiastic response.

Well, see, Colorado passed some rebates that made ’em only cost 50% of x, the payoff would happen over x years instead of y, the Order gave the go ahead and it starts paying off in only a few years. Only cost us xy. He knew what he was talking about, and said it all without a trace of giving-a-shit–in a good way. They’d done it, after all, “just ’cause it makes sense.”

Finally, I asked him the name of the frat. My friend Lindsey said, why, you gonna do a blog on it? Yup, I said.

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