July 4, 2009

Michael Pollan, Michelle Obama, and the Real Food Movement. Videos.

I’ve added in the videos referenced below.

The following letter is via Michael Pollan (see my video interview of him in Boulder here), hero of people who like to eat food everywhere:

Food, Inc., the documentary I worked on, is opening tomorrow in a dozen more cities. There will be a story about the film tonight on ABC News’ Nightline.

I also wanted to make sure you heard about the harvest event Michelle Obama did earlier this week at the White House. You may have caught some of the fluffy coverage on public radio and elsewhere, but the first lady actually gave an important speech at the event, touching on
the school lunch program, local food economies, and food deserts, that shouldn’t be overlooked by anyone interested in the food movement.

The speech is also on Youtube.

Best, Michael

Click the below image for video (can’t embed for some reason).

Michelle Obama’s speech:

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