July 12, 2009

Want healthcare? It’s one phone call away. ~ Rob DuRay

{Oreos? Chuck Norris? Watch the video at bottom}

Health Care Reform is Do or Die: you Decide.

by Rob DuRay of New Era Colorado

Maybe you’ve seen them by now. Could have been at Farmer’s Market, First Friday on Santa Fe or Rollerskating down Pearl Street. You may have even read about our adventures at Denver’s PRIDEfest right here at Elephant Journal. (Thanks Waylon) New Era Colorado’s Fake Doctor’s have been talking to people all over Colorado about the urgent need to reform this country’s broken health care system. (Check out our slideshow to see them in action).

Not only are close to 50 million people uninsured, but politically, this is the best chance we have had to actually create a system that works since Harry S. Truman was President. (For those of you who may be too young, myself included, Truman was a U.S. President sometime before Obama, but definitely after Lincoln.) Sadly, the closer America gets to quality, affordable healthcare, the more the special interests that make money off the current system (pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, etc) put up a fight.

Luckily, you can swing back at ‘em. Today is a national call-in day, where we the people call to let our elected officials know whats on our mind. In case you missed our doctors – or saw them and were so inspired you want to do more –this is a great opportunity to voice your opinion in this crucial national debate.

Call your members of congress now!

We’re teaming up with hundreds of organizations from around the country for a national call-in day to D.C. We need D.C. to know that thousands of Colorado citizens want health care reform. And, don’t worry, you don’t need to be an expert on the issue. You just need to tell them the basic principles you support: reducing costs, access for all, and a public health insurance option that competes with the private market. If you have a story to share or other ideas, even better. Now is the time to get on the horn (I have always wanted to say that) and make a difference.
Call your members of congress now!

We’ve even got an easy way for you to do this. Just click here to get started. Once you enter your phone number, you’ll get a phone call with a recording that walks you through the process. Once your ready, you’ll be connected to a congressional staffer ready to write down your comments. That’s it. Not nearly as scary as going to the doctor. Or if you consider yourself a pro, just cut to the chase and call this number to call your member based on your zip: 1-877-264-HCAN (4226)

Bills have been introduced in both the house and the senate. While not perfect, they all include some very needed changes to the system. Republicans and more moderate Democrats are getting insane amounts of pressure to strip this legislation of any real reform. To prevent them from doing this, American citizens need to stand up (more like jump up and down and shout) and let their elected officials know what they think.

Rob DuRay
New Era Colorado
(office)   720-565-9317
(Mobile) 720-375-6430

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