August 26, 2009

Been doing too much Yoga?

…Or not enough? Cool Indian Yoga Ads. Even Cooler Yoga Video. Even Cooler English commentary by Indian blogger.

You can always tell who hasn’t been doing enough—or who’s been doing too much—yoga:

Via an Indian web site, commentary reminiscent of Everything is Illuminated:

“Great Yoga postures! Excellent casual poses by Yogis and Yoginis. Government of Pondicherry has been conducting various colorful festivals throughout the year on several occasions. International yoga Festival is held by Puducherry Government since 1993, almost for 18 years, which is considered one of the famous festival celebrated in Pondicherry that embark the tradition as well as Puducherry.

Generally in the first week of January (4th Jan – 7th Jan) the festival is celebrated attracting people from not only from India but from all over the world. These pictures are used for the campaign made by JWT India for The International Yoga Festival January 2008. The campaign impressed many and turned head who haven’t gave a try to yoga.

The main aim of this International Yoga Festival in Puducherry is to spread the awareness among the young generations the usefulness of practicing yoga. Actually to say, I was out of station on the particular occasion so I couldn’t have the chance of participating in the yoga program. Let me fix some nice well- planned schedule for January 2009…hope I never miss this beautiful festival again next year. Let me catch you guys there!.”

Even cooler yoga video:

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