September 25, 2009

Dharma Mittra on Yoga Kriyas: Vegetarian, Vegan is Important. {Yoga Journal Conference Estes Park 2009}

If you’re a yogi, do you have to be Vegetarian or Vegan?

Dharma Mittra: “Yes.”

“You must take compassion more seriously,” this kind old famous yoga teacher said yesterday. He doesn’t eat cows or chickens, or fish, or eggs (“they’re embryos,” he reminded us).

What follows is the best I can make out from my iPhone notes:

Compassion goes beyond pets. It’s a sin to eat animals. Why? Because the ability to put oneself in other’s place is the path to enlightenment.

Then Dharma Mittra went through how to cleanse oneself. Brace yourself:

Take one gallon of room temperature water and add salt to it…1 tablespoon per quart. Pray. Set intention. Drink one cup quickly, twist while standing, do updog twists, squatting twists, another cup, then do repeat twists, repeat whole process three times. 35 minutes you’ll have explosive diarrhea. Then repeat for a 4th time, lie down rest, then make lentil soup.

My notes aren’t very good. Look up and research before doing. I think you were supposed to expel poo a few times until entirely clear. It’s like an enema, only goes through just about your whole body, and is free!

Then, fast for three days, eat only watermelon, including seeds which help clean out nooks and crannies in your body. Do in the morning on an empty stomach.

When you eat meat, you make your stomach a graveyard.

Buddha says that all life likes to live, wants family, children, to procreate just like us. We think we are so civilized? Then why are we eating our brothers and sisters?

To be continued…off to yoga class with Aadil Palkhivala.

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