September 12, 2009

Global Warming? Then why so cool? And other common sense questions re Climate Change.

A nice video, but wouldn’t convince or inspire anyone beyond our choir.

I’m about to rereinterview Bill McKibben this morning, the man behind 350.org, so called my pa, who’s not convinced about “global warming,” and he asked a bunch of questions like, how could little us effect the whole planet? If it’s “global warming,” why was this summer so cold? “There’s no proof whatsoever.” We need to address the half of the country that has health skepticism. Stop making fun of climate change deniers, and start spreading the facts to the masses in a way they’ll dig.

I’m gonna try and ask simple, straight questions and get succinct, interesting answers. Wish me luck! The video will be available to watch or for embed to anyone via elephantjournaldotcom.

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