September 11, 2009

Have Something to Say? New Era Colorado Tells Us How.

Even if you’ve tried not to pay attention, you’ve got to agree the last month has been one weird time. It’s almost like the media has been willing to give the microphone to any nutjob willing to talk about the health care debate. We’ve heard about the death panels that will kill grandma, socialist takeovers, and the death of Medicare. Some of the crazies are even downright rude. But, as we heard last night during President Obama’s speech to Congress, “The time for bickering is over. The time for games has passed. Now is the season for action.”

Normally, we would take this moment and send you an email asking you to call your member of Congress and ask them to stand their ground on voting for a strong health care bill in the coming weeks. (Ok, well, if you’ve got a quick second, we’d love it if you made a quick phone call for the national call-in day) But, what we really want to ask of you today is to do your part to make sure the crazies don’t win. When you hear a flat-out lie, set the record straight. When you sit down at the dinner table, bring it up.

The meaningful conversations we have with our friends and family are worth a hundred of the misleading commercials and a thousand angry townhall teabaggers. And when someone tells you it’s not the time or the place for politics, remind them that this isn’t about politics–this is about the character of our country. This debate doesn’t only impact the lives of millions of Americans, but it’s a moment to illustrate what our country truly stands for. It’s not politics, it’s humanity.

This debate will be going on for at least several more weeks. And while their was a call last night for civility and honesty in our discourse, there will still be those whose main goal is only to disrupt. Old rumors will intensify. New rumors will circulate. We must hold firm. This is our chance to truly shape the future of our country.

For more from New Era Colorado, please visit their website.

For more on Joe Wilson, please visit this site.

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