September 11, 2009

Joe Wilson: “I will not be Muzzled.” Video.

Excerpt via leading political site, Politico:

Wilson’s combative video appeared 24 hours after he shouted “You lie!” at President Obama during a joint session of Congress after the president called the idea that his reform plan would provide insurance to illegal immigrants a myth. Wilson immediately faced a chorus of criticism, including from many in his own party.

But in his appeal, Wilson presents himself as a target for Democrats seeking to push health care reform forward. And he pointedly refuses to back away from his assertion that Obama’s plan would supply health care to illegal immigrants.

“The supporters of the government takeover of health care and the liberals who want to give health care to illegals are using my opposition as an excuse to distract from the critical questions being raised about this poorly conceived plan,” Wilson says. “They want to silence anyone who speaks out against it. They made it clear they want to defeat me and pass the plan.”

“I need your help now,” Wilson pleads, directing viewers to his campaign Web site.

Which, at the time of this writing, is down. Guess a lot of folks wanna donate!

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