Inspiring video: Greenopolis goes to Namaste Solar, a mindfully-run business in Boulder, Colorado
There’s a subtle egotism to those of us who try and live “green.” While it’s fun to continually learn and improve in an ongoing quest to be eco-responsible—composting, unplugging fixtures when not in use, using reclaimed wood in construction, riding a bike daily, buying local food, etcetera—there’s an inbuilt pride in such a discipline, or craft.
Personally, I found that bubble of insidious pride delightful popped upon watching this interview with Blake of Namaste Solar. This man outdoes me by a mile. He knows his stuff, rattling off recycle numbers for plastic the way my pa might list the Yankees lineup. It’s great to see a company doing it right (as in right livelihood), from renovating a building instead of tearing it down to providing eco-built desks for their employee-owners. Enjoy:
Bonus videos re Namaste Solar:
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