December 1, 2009

Can You Summarize Your Spiritual Beliefs in 5-6 Sentences?

Here’s a challenge for you.  Can you summarize your spiritual beliefs in 5-6 sentences?

When I first got involved in Yoga I became so intrigued with this question that I spent the next several years trying to answer it.  Eventually my answers turned into my blog and eBook.

I went through a lot of twists and turns on my inner journey.  Eventually I concluded that Yoga philosophy is sublimely simple, profound, and livable.  Yet it can be difficult to grasp because of its unfamiliar language and complex history. 

I became intrigued with whether it was possible to capture the essence of Yoga philosophy in plain English, without any specialized terminology or assumed prerequisite background knowledge.  (Not that I have anything against these.  I’m no scholar, but I have become pretty well-versed in the language and lore of the big three ancient texts of Yoga–the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Yoga Sutra.) 

Here’s what I came up with: 

1) Each of us is already infinitely wondrous—miraculous, awe-inspiring, unfathomable.  (This is well hidden beneath the distractions and emotions of everyday life.)

 2) Our wondrous nature is the same as the infinite wonder of the universe.

 3) The way to experience our wondrous self is to fully experience the present moment, since each moment of consciousness is infinitely wondrous in itself.

 4) The mind, body, and spirit are inseparable.

 5) Experiencing our wondrous self leads to an abundance of joy and goodness.

 6) The techniques of Yoga, leading to pure awareness”, are one method for discovering our true wondrous nature.

I challenge you to do the same for your spiritual beliefs and share it with us in a comment below.

Bob Weisenberg http://YogaDemystified.com

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