December 13, 2009

Best Green Video! Proper Education: Eric Prydz v. Pink Floyd.

Proper Education: Eric Prydz v. Pink Floyd

I first ran into this justanotherbrickinthewall video a few years back, back in the age of Myspace, when Facebook was just some thing that my interns were into.

Why do I love it? I think it ably captures the perennial hope that all generations carry for the new, young generation: that they’ll be better, more idealistic, that they’ll right the stupid wrongs of we folks who have been around for long enough to take our earth for granted.

Combine green + generational idealism + action + great remix of great classic song + parkour…well, that makes my best list, fosho. Hope you enjoy.

Switch off.

Bonus version. Rough, but captures something:

Extra copy:

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