December 27, 2009

Jasper Johal: Yoga is his Muse. Photos.

“What I am really shooting is light. Light is this beautiful living thing. It wraps, it plays, it suffuses, it cascades. I am self taught, and as I worked on my craft over the years, I never focused on shooting the object. Instead, I focused on capturing the beauty of light as it played around the object, often through the object, sometimes underneath the object. Light dances, and as a photographer I become its dance partner.”

Jasper Johal is, in my experience, one of two or three greatest photographers of yoga today. We’ve been in touch once in awhile over the years—I admired, and was jealous of the gorgeous magazine covers he did for Yogi Times, a great LA and then SF-based yoga magazine that regrettably passed away a few years back.

We’ve reviewed his Body as Temple yoga calendars from time to time, and his work with Kathryn Budig for Toesox (click for photos), and his exquisitely attractive yet tasteful work for Hard Tail’s remarkable advertising campaign (click for photos). Here’s a small sampling. For more, including his fashion, nude, and dance photography, click over to his site.


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