February 2, 2010

One of the best green Bloggers in America, Derek Markham, needs our help. Spread the word!



Derek Markham, along with Adam Shake and a few others, welcomed me into twitterland a year ago, supporting my messages and work, and I’ve always been happy to support back. He’s a sweet man, modest, a good caring father, a great writer writing about things that need to be written…and like so many worthy jobs, like teaching, he doesn’t make a ton of dough yet doing so (though I hope and believe heroes like he will make more and more as our economy transitions toward service and need and away from bubbles and greed).

Recently, over Twitter, he mentioned he was a bit out of it, doped up on Percocet. What?, I asked, a crawling sensation in my gut. Yeah, he said, got into a bad accident recently.

He emailed me this link.

And now, to the rescue, for the thousands and thousands of us who depend on warriors like Derek to bring us the good green news, let’s lend a hand. I’m broke, but I’m giving what I can. Please do the same. And whether you do or don’t decide to help, please forward this link.


Via @thegoodhuman, god bless ‘im, who along with a few others started this HELP DEREK ball rolling:

One of our green friends needs our help, and I am hopeful you guys can chip in. Adam Shake from Twilight Earth, Jerry James Stone (from every green site on the net – the guy is a content wizard!) and myself, David Quilty from The Good Human, have started a fund for a good friend of ours and yours – Derek Markham. Derek is the writer of Natural Papa and a contributor on several other green sites, and he is always spreading great news about sustainability, natural parenting, and “doing the right thing” on Facebook and to his 10,000+ followers on Twitter. The man has got some serious fans in you guys that love what he does online – and now he needs our help!

A few weeks ago Derek had an accident that left him with a trimalleolar fracture in the ends of his right tibia and fibula. Ouch. This accident has left him laid up at home with thousands of dollars in unpaid medical bills. Derek is the breadwinner for his wife and kids…

click here to read the rest of A Green Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed—it explains the situation succinctly and touchingly.

But first, donate here, if so inspired:


Want to embed the Paypal donate code on your blog? Here you go:

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Derek’s bio:

I’m a husband, a father, and a carrier of things.

I think peanut butter on anything is great.

I love big mountains and little kids, ’cause they make me smile, and I drink a double americano almost every day.

I’m a nature boy, a tree-hugging dirt-worshiper. I try to live with reverence for our web of life.

I like big trees and large boulders, cold mountain streams and redrock desert, the smell of pinyon and sage. I’d rather be sitting in a canoe in the wilderness than the backseat of a Rolls Royce.

(As long as the canoe had an espresso machine and a wireless connection…)

Things I dig include: simple living, natural fatherhood, attachment , natural building, unassisted childbirth (homebirth), bicycles, composting (sawdust) toilets, organic and biodynamic gardening, vegan peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips, bouldering, and the blues.

In my life I’ve been a factory worker, a farmer, a grocery clerk, a handyman and jack of all trades. I’ve worked at fast food joints and car washes, for temp agencies and day labor hire, for moving companies and landscapers. I’ve driven forklifts and bobcats, and I’ve installed solar panels and sold fruit at the farmers market. I spent 10 years in the natural foods industry, most recently as the general manager of a natural foods co-op.

I support local food production and am a regular at the farmers market and our local food co-op. The dream of a sustainable homestead is still alive for us, and our self-sufficient zero-energy input green home is being planned. Our permaculture oasis is a sustainable small-scale village. Single-speed bicycles, drumming, and DIY anything can really make me grin.

Professional Bio:

I’m a freelance writer, available for content creation, editing, and proofreading. I can advise and help implement strategy for green and sustainability businesses, and I enjoy the conversational nature of engagement with readers and customers.

I’m full of ideas and off the wall thinking, and can help you with your business ideas and strategy. Spreading the word about great ideas and sustainable products with this new media model is something I enjoy, and my network of eco-preneurs, bloggers, and mavens is also available to you if we work together.

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