March 21, 2010

Breaking News: If you eat Fish, you aren’t Vegetarian.

Pescetarian? Fish are Animals, Too.

From the Shouldn’t Have to Say it Department:

Every so often, I go out to some restaurant and they start telling me the specials and, by way of saving us all some time, I offer that “I’m vegetarian.” Almost invariably, the waiter asks,

“Do you eat fish.”

“No,” I say. “I’m vegetarian.”

“Some vegetarians eat fish,” the waiter helpfully points out.

Look: eat your mercury-laden “healthy” fish if you want to, folks, and if you do use the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s free iPhone app or printable guide to what kinds of fish aren’t so overfished that, in eating said fish you won’t be depriving your own grandchildren of ever getting to eat said fish.

But don’t call yourself vegetarian if, for pleasure, you kill and eat sentient beings.


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