March 5, 2010

Too Snobby to ride the Bus? So was Jacqueline Carr, a Lululemon employee.

A touching article about the transformation of a girl who, like me, never sat on a but into a green, walk-the-talk lady who was too cool to ride the bus until she gave up her car in an effort to save some money—and discovered a whole new eco-responsible, (usually) fun, and fascinating world: her community, the same one that had always been there.

“I felt like I was too good for the bus,” said Carr, recalling her virgin voyage last October with a mixture of embarrassment and marvel. “I think there’s a social understanding and a construction around that if you take the bus, you take it because you don’t have money. There’s a social standard. Obviously I had bought into that.”

Click here for the whole inspiring, touching read.

Now if only more of us hipsters and yuppies and hippies would board the bus, make it a party!?

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