June 1, 2010

Flag Desecration #411.

Patriotism can’t be worn on your sleeve.

Or, towel. Or, bikini.

If you were ever in the military, or a boy or girl scout, you’ll know that respecting the flag is simple, and important. You don’t let it touch the ground. You hang is the right way if it’s on the wall. You don’t leave it flapping in the wind at night.

And, you never, never wear it.

You don’t leave it lying around, either, Gov. Palin.

Patriotism isn’t macho sport. It’s something much deeper, and more gentle. Rooting for your country is about respecting and protecting our freedoms—not getting painted up as if you were going to a football game.

In fact, those who wear it are often less than trustworthy: they’re using the flag, and patriotism (see the oil processing plant, or Don Blankenship).

From a great random blog I came across:

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