August 30, 2010

Palm oil is cheap. But costly.

Did you have it for breakfast today?

Photo: flickr.com | Sam Cockman

1 in 10 products in US grocery stores contain palm oil.

It’s a cheap ingredient, dollar-wise. But palm oil comes at a price. 20 square miles of rainforest is cleared every day to build palm oil plantations.

Many communities depend on the rainforests.

How are they to sustain themselves if the rainforests disappear?


Rainforest destruction endangers orangutans (and many other species).

Think about that next time you break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar…

Of course, the destruction of rainforests–the earth’s largest sinks of carbon, which safely stores greenhouse gases–has a negative impact on our environment. And that’s important to all of us.

Read more about palm oil by elephant contributor Chris Chopik.

Take action against destructing rainforests for palm oil with the Rainforest Action Network.



Image: Green Panther Press on Instagram 

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