7.1 Editor's Pick
September 22, 2010

Make up, Make up Off: Before & After Photos.

Know this, too: Bad skin? No make up? Hair a mess? you’re beautiful.


Can we be Attractive with less or without or with natural healthy Makeup? Yes.

Can we be ourselves? And what does that even mean?

I’ll take real any day. Fewer chemicals, more us.

Most makeup is toxic to our skin and insides, longterm. The health cost, environmental cost, and cost to animals’ welfare is vital. And, of course, our self-acceptance—whether we choose to wear no makeup, lots of makeup, or very little—is vital.

It’s not about attractive, externally. It’s about making friends with ourselves, as we are, whether we choose to ornament our skin, or not. And…it’s about using natural ingredients that don’t harm us or our fragile planet:

These Stars look great Before & After Makeup.

Less can be Beautiful, too.


I have freckles. Lots of freckles.

I did drama in my junior and senior years of high school and a bit of Shakespeare in middle school. That’s the only time I’ve had to wear makeup. It’s fine, it’s fun, but it was kinda cakey and weird, too. Not sure how healthy it was to pain my body green as Puck at St. Johnsbury Academy in Vermont, but hey.

Because I’ve so rarely worn makeup, I kinda didn’t realize folks cover their entire face, every day, even to the gym…in an effort to hide their freckles. Here’s a photo of Kesha, as she normally looks in media and performances. And here’s her face in all her unadorned freckly glory.

To me, that’s crazy to cover up that beauty. But I get that some folks view freckles as ugly. To that, I’d say: you’re beautiful. And he or she or they who will be attracted to your heart, not just your face, will love you whether you choose to wear makeup, or not.

Kesha shows off her freckles in makeup-free selfie:

Demi Lovato Snapchat Story: “Exactly why less makeup is sometimes the answer.”

Less can be more. To makeup or not to makeup. Either way, we’re beautiful as we are. 14 Photos, before & after.

We do that above and in many others. I think it’s empowering for all of us to know we have the choice and can be beautiful either way. There are 100s of millions of $$$s pushing us to wear makeup—and only a few little blogs suggesting otherwise is beautiful. Sorry.

Two new photos:

Update: Emilia Clarke from Game Of Thrones with no makeup. (via imgur.com) Celebs are held up as examples of beauty, so it is important to remember that they are just humans, too. 

make up makeup

Scarlett Johansson with no makeup for Vanity Fair:

no makeup

 Quote re this photo: If you don’t like how women look without makeup, never get married.”

Take off your {fake} face.

For more:

> Conventional Lipstick? Don’t do it to yourself. Here’s some highly-kissable Alternatives. [Treehugger] > Here’s what a year’s worth of makeup (literally) will do to your face.

#55/108 on True Love list? She’ll go easy on the makeup.

You’re more attractive than your make up.

We want to kiss our loved one—not chemicals.

Saw this great feature on NY Daily News.

Who’s to say you need makeup? Sure, these are stars—but stars are the ones who wear the most makeup, so if they’re looking good without, that’s gotta tell us something.

So go au naturel (on your face, at least), or wear a bit less—and maybe you’ll be even more kissable! “Flaws” are okay—in fact, they’re you—and you are who your loved one wants to smooch.

A little makeup can be nice, special, fun—just go easy, and go truly organic (the skin is sensitive, absorbent stuff, and unlike food—where your body is set up to process out most toxins—our skin can’t filter out nasty chemicals. And nasty chemicals have been shown to be related to the dramatic increase in cancer over the last 75 years).

All photos via NY Daily News, click over to their site for many more.

More photos here

A few more 🙂

With and without makeup

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