November 16, 2010

elephant exclusive: Anusara Yoga’s John Friend video at Leaders Causing Leaders.

First look for elephant readers: John Friend Video below.

Video: John Friend‘s Five Principles of Leadership.

John Friend: featured along with Byron Katie, Ishmael Beah, Jason Mraz, Mark Victor Hansen, Stephen M.R. Covey, Anna Getty and others at Leaders Causing Leaders conference in Long Beach, California.

“Step up and be that leader…from this day.” ~ John Friend, at Leaders Causing Leaders.

I was honored to see John’s speech, live—and later, Kasey Luber and I talked (and joked, and read poetry) with him at some length (those videos coming soon via Kasey).

Below, John speaks directly to a diverse crowd that ranged from self-proclaimed New Age to authentic leaders such as Ishmael Beah. The Leaders Causing Leaders conference, held in Long Beach, California, walked its talk in bringing a diverse group together and helping inspire the forging of beneficial connections, new and old.

It was an honor to reconnect with John—but, more, it was a pleasure. He’s equal parts cheerful and frank—a rare and difficult combination that comes from years of practice and working for the benefit of others. ~ Ed.

The below summary comes via Leaders Causing LeadersLia Aprile:

John Friend’s 5 Principles (to create a new paradigm):

1.  Be like the sky. Be open, have a beginner’s mind.

2.  Be like the Earth.  Embody your deep talents. (Like blogging.  Um…wait…).

3.  Be like water.  Feel.  Be fluid, be sensitive, be compassionate. (Yes, yes, and double yes)

4.  Be like fire.  Have a burning for the highest.  Aspire to serve.  Dare to be courageous no matter the darkness.

5.  Be like air.  Like the wind, that can move around any problem.  Be imaginative and innovative.


John Friend Leaders Causing Leaders from davekennedy on Vimeo.

Time for a New Paradigm: John Friend Shares 5 Principles at Leaders Causing Leaders

John Friend, founder of Anusara yoga, took a quick jaunt from his Melt Your Heart, Blow Your Mind world tour to speak at Leaders Causing Leaders, sharing his five principles for creating a new paradigm.  Check it out!

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