December 9, 2010

Moo? Boo. Another reason to go Vegetarian. (You can say that again).

Cloned Cows for Hungry Brits? Boo.

(You can say that again)

Another reason to go Vegetarian, personally-speaking.

Corporations win another victory vs. We the People—in this case We the British People, who have traditionally been far more careful about allowing genetically-modified crops and cloned animals into their food stream than has America the Beautiful.

Ministers are expected to rubber stamp the new guidelines, clearing the final hurdle for the meat and milk of cloned animals to be sold freely in Britain…

…Critics branded the new guidance “appalling”and raised fears about the ethics and safety of eating cloned food.

Animal welfare groups pointed to high levels of miscarriage, organ failure and gigantism among new-born clones.

For the rest, click here.

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