Profit is not an issue for #elej right now..! Paying food, staff (we have 1 PT) taxes, mortgage on home/office is. @ryderjaphy, needless 2 say, has issue w me. If had genuine concern, he’d criticize Tricycle, Sham Sun, Sham Pubs, teachers who charge 4 Dharma. He’s not. Unlike mags, books, teachers we give 95% of readers free access—only those who want 2 read a ton r asked 2 pay $1/month…or come back 2mrw 4 another 3 articles free, not incl front page or searches. Bill is just havg fun at elephant’s expense. @PeterTurner @Zendette @firepixie324 @blakethegeek @ZenDirtZenDust
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