7.8 Editor's Pick
April 28, 2011

Fear >>>————> Fearlessness.

A reminder on how to achieve true Victory over Aggression.

How to get through Fear.

How do we get through stress, anxiety, fear, panic?

Not by avoiding them. Not by suppressing them. Not by trying to defeat them.

So…then…how do we manifest fearlessness?

Through developing friendship with ourself, through generosity, through joining heaven, earth & (hu)man principles…

…through realizing our own basic goodness and the basic goodness of others…through raw vulnerable heart…through gentleness.

Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche:

Those who have been fearless in their search and fearless in their proclamation belong to the lineage of master warriors, whatever their religion, philosophy, or creed. What distinguishes such leaders of humanity and guardians of human wisdom is their fearless expression of gentleness and genuineness — on behalf of all sentient beings. We should venerate their example and acknowledge the path that they have laid for us. They are the fathers and mothers of Shambhala, who make it possible, in the midst of this degraded age, to contemplate enlightened society.

For further inspiration: 50 Best Quotes, Photos: Chögyam Trungpa, Buddhist meditation teacher. 


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