April 8, 2011

The Jewish “I just had sex.”

I just had Chametz!

I just had sex, you’ve probably seen. Here’s the Jewish cover of the Lonely Island viral hit…which as a half-Jew all-ignorant Buddhist I don’t really get…but I gather that whatever that word is chametz means “food” or non-Passover food or something. Enjoy:

Kol Ish is:
Shawn Levine, Michael Gevaryahu, Ayton Sanders, Eliyahu Dvorin, David Lipsitz, and JJ Katz

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Video by Ari Berkowicz
Vocal Recording, Mixing, and Editing by Michael Gevaryahu

Special thanks to guest participants in the video:
Brian Finkel, Melissa Levine, Rachel Channon, Dov Lerner, Kfirah Covel

“Just Had Chametz” is a parody of “Just Had Sex” by The Lonely Island (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQlIhraqL7o)

The karaoke backtrack to this video is “The Lonely Island ft Akon I Just Had Sex Karaoke” by bbotcangmating

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