April 12, 2011

What the F*ck is the U.S. Chamber Up To?

photo: Alfred T. Palmer

Doing the right thing?

Not so much. Well, secrecy if you want to count that. Check out this video from GRITtv:


Should we call them the Dirty Chamber of Commerce? They are, after all, standing in the way of curbing climate change (along with big polluters like Chevron). Learn how you can take action.

WTF Facts:

… The U.S. Chamber spent $132,000,000 on lobbying in 2010! That’s more than the second, third and fourth largest lobbying groups combined.
… Of the $32 million the U.S. Chamber spent on the 2010 midterm election, 94% went to candidates who are climate deniers.
… Apple, Nike, Microsoft and others are leaving their positions within the U.S. Chamber. Local chambers of commerce in Seattle, New York and San Francisco are cutting their ties, too. You can check out the list of dissenters here.

“We strongly object to the Chamber’s recent comments in opposition the EPA’s effort to limit greenhouse gases,” wrote Catherine A. Novelli, the vice-president of worldwide government affairs at Apple. “Apple supports regulating greenhouse gas emissions, and it is frustrating to find the Chamber at odds with us in this effort.”

… The Chamber claims it represents 3 million local businesses, but only actually represent 200,000. The Chamber gets 55% of its funding from 16 anonymous corporate donors.

(source: 350.org | watch a beautiful graffiti video “The Dirty Chamber of Commerce“)

Click here for more from GRITtv about the Chamber.

Related post: 3 reasons to leave the Chamber of Commerce.

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