May 22, 2011

Miley Cyrus nails Natarajasana.

Princess of the Dance.

Sometimes, for 14 seconds, what’s healthiest is thinking about nothing at all, or something fine but silly—just not the same thing, the same thing, the same thing.

Still don’t get who she is, having never seen her in anything…but I get that she’s huuuge to a lot of girls. *Okay, I saw this, and fell in love with it.

In any case, Lord of the Dance? Not the easiest of poses. Count me impressed:

With thank yous for the tip to Yogadork (…via Egotastic).

Miley Yoga:

miley yoga

“Yoga fanatic Miley even tweeted a snap of herself performing her yoga routine and explained to fans: ‘ ‘Rare 2 get a moment to thank the universe for all my blessings in the form of yoga in a place like this.'”

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2270644/Now-thats-advert-yoga-Miley-Cyrus-shows-incredible-bikini-body-gives-thanks-blessings-Costa-Rica.html#ixzz3T4u1SZ22

Photo of me with the mysterious shoulder-only—that’s all she would modestly allow—of the more-or-less-anonymous Yogadork herself at last week’s NYC Yoga Journal conf, below. Yes, that’s our idolette Seane Corn in the background, with our friend Kasey Luber.

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