June 22, 2011

Boston Yoga & Chant Fest – Review.


This weekend at the Boston Yoga & Chant Fest in Marlboro, MA I presented a posture clinic & lecture on the Rehab Value of HotCore Yoga. Plus I chanted with so many different kirtan wallahs (leaders). This was my first time exhibiting at a yoga show. Despite it being Father’s Day, the HotCore Yoga posture clinic went exceptionally well. I got valuable feedback from those in attendance including an experienced New Hampshire yoga teacher Amy who I asked to demo Warrior Triangle. All eyes were on Amy as I asked to go into her normal triangle posture. Then I guided her into Warrior Triangle. I asked if she feel how much more she was working from her core. Her body was visibly shaking. Then I asked to return to her normal triangle. Then back to Warrior Triangle. After the lecture Amy confessed that she had feeling low back pain before the demo & now the pain was gone. She said she was intrigued about HotCore Yoga. I also guided folks into Tree & Straddle Split. The Boston Yoga & Chant Fest has me feeling inspired to do more posture clinic/lectures at events in metro Boston & beyond. If anyone has leads on venues, let me know.

The devi goddess in the video Karmanrita Dasi grew up chanting prayers and mantras in an ashram in Vrindavan India. Check out her enchanting voice. For anyone who loves practicing yoga, I strongly encourage you to check out kirtan (chanting mantras). This musical path is loads of fun & opens up inner gateways of consciousness & bliss. Over the weekend Karmanrita Dasi might have shined brightest as the musical highlight. Of course there was Wah, Irene Solea, Dave Russell & others. While this was only its second year, Shunyam & Veena (the producers) decided to ambitiously expand the Boston Yoga & Chant from one to two days & leap into a much larger venue into the Royal Plaza Trade Center. While the yoga classes & kirtans were reasonably well attended (as much as 150 yogis in some classes & kirtans), I feel confident in writing that most of the vendors would have preferred more traffic. And while it was easy to move from event to the next, the sounds of kirtan bled into the vendor sections. And vice versa. So Shunyam has clearly some kinks to work out. However, taking everything into consideration, the future looks bright for the Boston Yoga & Chant Fest.

Every day the popularity of yoga is growing because life works better when people practice this stuff: asanas, chanting, devotion, etc. The next metro-Boston all-day yoga event is called Blissfest July 31 in Milford, MA. While I won’t be teaching a class cuz their schedule is already filled (darn it), I will attend to chant & take yoga classes. Will you join me?

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