June 7, 2011

“The best time to call me is text message.”

I agree with BradxBrad. Don’t call me.

Do you use your phone anymore for, you know, phone calls?

Phone calls are often jarring. Rude. Intrusive. Awkward.

“Thank you for noticing something that millions of people have failed to notice since the invention of the telephone until just now,” Judith Martin, a k a Miss Manners, said by way of opening our phone conversation. “I’ve been hammering away at this for decades. The telephone has a very rude propensity to interrupt people.” ~ NY Times (read the whole bit, it’s worth it—and it mentions instances when folks still call)

“Don’t use the phone. People are never ready to answer it. Use poetry.” ~ Jack Kerouac

I wouldn’t advise using poetry, either. Text me. Email me. If you call, I won’t answer if I don’t recognize the number. If I do recognize the number, I won’t talk to you—I’m in the middle of something 99% of the time.

And I’m far from alone. My entire generation is like this—let alone those young’uns—according to the NY Times. And it goes beyond a generational thing, more and more—cell phone companies are redesigning phones without number keys, and with touch screens, reflecting the increased use of “extras” and the reduced use of actually calling anyone.

Wanna get something done? Text. Email. Use poetry. Just don’t call me…I’m not home.


Image: Noelene D/Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/88121076@N02/8455371254


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