June 10, 2011

Things that Cause Rape: Multiple-Choice.

Amen, men and women. Listen up. What you really want isn’t sex, it’s love, and love can’t be forced. And before you roll your eyes, yes, love includes sex, especially when you’re young, and the high and rush and feeling of sex that you think you want comes full force when you’re both feeling the love. So hold your horses, cowboy, before you become someone you don’t want to be, and harm someone in the worst possible way. Remember: every girl is someone’s daughter, maybe sister. Be careful with young hearts, including your own.

And, as Daily What points out, if you chose any of the first three, click over then follow the link. Please note: the first comment after all the stats points out that times have changed, the stats reflect old studies. Check that link out, too.

Here’s a few resources I put together awhile back. Please add more in comments.

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