July 23, 2011

Dumped? Write her a love letter? Nanh. Love video:

A Video for a Lost, Unrequited Love.

With thanks for the heads up to Daily What.


“…she has seen the video.
She liked it very much…

But it wasn’t convincing enough to get her back at this moment.
I guess time will tell.”

This video is dedicated to the love of my life, Freyja.

She broke up with me a couple of days ago because she wanted a new direction in her life and the feelings for me were burned out.

I wanted to let her know that whatever that direction is, i want to be a part of it. And those feelings she had, they can return.

The footage has been shot random over the years on times we spend with each other.

Hopefully i can get trough of the hard shell she has nowadays and proof to her that the time we had was wonderful and can continue.

Let’s hope i can get some new footage soon with her.

Forever hers.

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