July 10, 2011

Hot Drama: Passion, Aggression, Ignorance, Speed. How to Cool it. {Video of Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche}

The whole thing becomes much more real!

“You are the ice cube of bodhi
floating cool and spacious
in our glass of neurosis.”

Hot and bothered? Cool it:

“Ice Cubes of Bodhi.”

Berkeley 1976
©1976 by Diana J. Mukpo.
Shambhala.org Copyright © 1994-2009 Shambhala International (Vajradhatu)

Books, CDs, DVDs, Poetry, etc. by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche at http://www.shambhalamedia.org/SearchResults.asp?Cat=2

Shambhala Web Site: Vision – Lineage – Meditation – Community at http://www.shambhala.org

Shambhala.org Teachings Library
This Teachings Library has video, audio and written teachings of the Vidyadhara, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and the Sakyong, Mipham Rinpoche, and Pema Chödrön.

Additional online audio and video presentations of Vidyadhara, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s lectures and seminars in “Talks by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche: ” at http://www.chronicleproject.com/CTRlibrary/index_CTRlibrary.html
Some have summaries, study guides, commentaries or discussion. Includes:
“Meditation: The Path of the Buddha” (6 talks – video) at http://www.chronicleproject.com/CTRlibrary/meditation.html
“Tibetan Buddhist Path”. Boulder, Colorado; Naropa 1974 (14 talks – video) http://www.chronicleproject.com/CTRlibrary/index_CTRlibrary.html
“Skillful Means and Wisdom on the Buddhist Path”. A DVD set of 18 talks on 5 disks has been released by Kalapa Recordings. See more at The Chronicles at http://chronicleproject.com/stories_243.html

Learn More About Meditation at http://www.shambhala.org/meditation/
You can find out more about our Meditation Programs available at your local Shambhala Meditation Centre: List of over 200 Shambhala Centers and Groups Worldwide http://www.shambhala.org/centers .
Meditation programs and Shambhala events worldwide http://www.shambhala.org/programs/ .

Biography of The Vidyadhara, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche http://www.shambhala.org/teachers/vctr/
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Trungpa

The Chronicles of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche http://www.chronicleproject.com
On Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chronicles-of-Chogyam-Trungpa-Rinpoche/24520044987
TrungpaChronicles’s YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TrungpaChronicles
“Touch and Go”. Fifty years ago, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche led hundreds of Tibetans as they fled their homeland in a history-making journey. A documentary. http://chronicleproject.com/TouchandGo/index.html

Chögyam Trungpa Legacy Project http://chogyamtrungpa.com/wp/

Great Stupa of Dharmakaya http://www.shambhalamountain.org/stupa.html and http://www.shambhala.org/stupa.php

Shambhala Publications Books of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche at http://live.shambhala.com

50 Best Quotes, Photos: Chögyam Trungpa, Buddhist meditation teacher http://www.elephantjournal.com/2010/10/50-best-quotes-photos-chogyam-trungpa-…

The Sakyong, Mipham Rinpoche – Video and Text Biography, Schedule, Contact, etc. http://www.sakyong.com./sakyong.php
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche -Official YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/officialsakyong
Sakyong.com Online Archives http://www.sakyong.com/archive.php
These Archives have video, audio and written teachings of the Sakyong, Mipham Rinpoche.

The Sakyong Wangmo, Khandro Tseyang
Invoking the Mother Lineage: The Sakyong Wangmo and feminine principle. http://www.shambhala.org/community/SakyongWangmo.php

EveryBodhi (formerly Buddhist Youth Project) http://every-bodhi.org
EveryBodhi on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/BuddhistYouthProject
Buddhist Youth Festival http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JRmxkj9ETM

Shambhala Sun http://www.shambhalasun.com “Today’s leading Buddhist magazine, bringing a contemplative view to all the important issues in life.” Extensive archives.
Buddhadharma www.thebuddhadharma.com “An in-depth, practice-oriented publication for Buddhists of all traditions.”

Shambhala Media at http://www.shambhalamedia.org
Toll Free 1-888-450-1002 Ph: 902-421-1550 x1
Shambhala Media communicates the vision, teachings, and culture of Shambhala and the Sakyong lineage through publications, recordings, and other media. Shambhala Media also includes the two following links:
Shambhala Archives at http://www.archives.shambhala.org.
Shambhala Times, community news magazine at http://shambhalatimes.org

Shambhala International
1084 Tower Road
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Email: [email protected]
phone (902) 425-4275
fax (902) 423-2750
Shambhala is a global community. There are more than 200 centers and groups around the world, as well as thousands of individual members.

Shambhala web site: Vision – Lineage – Meditation – Community at http://www.shambhala.org
Shambhala -Affiliations The Global Mandala at http://www.sakyong.com/affiliations.php

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