August 21, 2011

Elephant Review: Eco Home? It’s the Bicycle Chain Bowl.

FTC: elephant received the Bicycle Chain Bowl gratis in return for review consideration. We loved it, so reviewed it—still, we always let you know what we think and believe, no more, no less.

Featured Favorite Eco Product Review on Elephant Journal Front Page.

For the eco-minded, cycle-happy girl, boy, man or woman who has everything—but you want to gift something new and shiny…yet with history, and re-used?

It’s call unconsumption. It’s the Bicycle Chain Bowl.

I love it. It’s pride of place in Hotelephant, where I drop my (bike) keys at the end of each day.

Purchase info below.

Info from Edible Gifts Plus:

Suggestions From Edible Gifts Plus:

Made from recycled bicycle chains, EdibleGiftsPlus.com offers a collection of home décor items for the eco-friendly person and especially the cyclist. The bike chains used to create these items are obtained from bike shops that would otherwise throw them away as the parts are no longer useable due to damage or defects. Check out the collection at http://www.ediblegiftsplus.com/category_s/465.htm. The collection includes (pictured below, left to right) Bicycle Chain Frame (available in 4×6” for $37.95 or 5×7” for $39.95), Bike Chain Bowl ($88) and Recycled Rubber Clock ($68).  Available in the U.S. only.


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