August 25, 2011

Prepare to have your mind blown by this video.

Dirty f*** comes at a high cost.

Photo by B!zze via flickr.com

This is a test. How many of you clicked on this thinking you’d see a sexy video?

Well, I’m sorry to report it’s the furthest thing from sexy. I hope you’ll stick with me here for just a few minutes to watch what has not gotten the media coverage it deserves. More than 200 people have been arrested at the White House because of it!

Video by Josh Fox, director of the Oscar-nominated documentary film GASLAND.

Did you watch it? Are you frustrated it wasn’t what you thought it would be? Please comment below with your reaction.

Dirty fuel comes at a high cost.

The tar sands development is poisoning Canada’s boreal forest’s rivers and lakes. Over 200 people have been recently arrested at the White House “Stop the Pipeline” sit-in that protests the proposed 1,700 mile long pipeline from Alberta to Texas.

The Canadian pipeline company TransCanada has proposed a tar sands pipeline that could bring as much as 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) of costly and polluting fuel to the U.S. Gulf Coast. This pipeline, called Keystone XL, will lock the United States into a dependence on hard-to-extract oil and generate a massive expansion of the destructive tar sands oil operations in Canada. In addition to the damage that would be caused by the increased tar sands extraction, the pipeline threatens to pollute freshwater supplies in America’s agricultural heartland and increase emissions in already-polluted communities of the Gulf Coast. ~NRDC

It’s time to take a stand against the Keystone XL pipeline, a dangerous and destructive project that would pump over one million barrels of dirty “tar sands” oil from Canada to the USA every day. The oil in the Keystone pipeline could poison drinking water, threaten the communities it runs through, and wreck the climate. ~350.org

Your Voice Counts!

* Sign a petition asking President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline. Just click here.

* Send a solidarity message or photo
to those protesting in Washington, DC.
* Take part in Moving Planet.
* Please share this with friends, neighbors, relatives. Share with enemies, too. They deserve to know about this, too.

Forgive me for this bait and switch.

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