August 31, 2011

Rick Santorum: I don’t hear arguments about Gay Marriage! Student argues back.

Time out, Time out, Time out, Time out…

How dare they brand me “Bigot!”

So now I’m a bigot, because I believe what the Bible teaches?!

Well, yes and no. The Bible teaches a lot of things…you’re the one choosing to use the Bible to back up your bigotry.


Also, he offers the ridiculous (because it’s untrue) argument that marriage has always been between a man and a woman.

And if marriage were a privilege given by government because we want stable environments for our children, then why are childless marriages permitted? Why is divorce permitted?

Social science isn’t there to back him up, let alone do so overwhelmingly, on “the best habitat for children to be raised.”

Gawker, for once, did a good job reporting up this one…not the too-frequent sickly-sweet gossipy trash:

College Student Schools Rick Santorum on His Ludicrous Gay Marriage Position

Here’s the full video, well worth the watch:

Bonus: Want to see what a child of a gay marriage looks like?

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