September 4, 2011

Apes seeing the light of Day for the first time.

All beings yearn for freedom.

After a lifetime of captivity indoors…freedom. Reminds me of this.

“Chimps caged for 30 years finally set free… best bro moment at 1:25 (video)”

Laboratory chimps caged for 30 years are finally released to a sanctuary.

Like prisoners emerging from a lifetime behind bars, a group of chimpanzees step blinking into the sunlight. This is the first time they have felt grass under their feet and breathed fresh air for 30 years. A few of the chimps were born in captivity but most were kidnapped from African jungles as babies and flown to Europe, where they were locked in metal laboratory cages to be used in a long series of experiments. Their ordeal finally ended in September 2011 when 38 of the surviving chimps were released into a sanctuary in Austria called Gut Aiderbichl, allowing them to feel the nurturing contact of their fellow chimps after years of being separated by bars and bullet-proof glass. Link to sanctuary: http://www.gut-aiderbichl.at/

Audio says this is a rehabilitation clinic for laboratory apes. some apes where born captive, never saw daylight, never learned to climb, and only saw humans in airtight labcoats. some apes where captured and remembered butterflies from their childhood.”


Woman Narrator

They see for the first time in their lives, the sun. After decades in an experiment laboratory, this is the first step of the chimpanzees in to freedom.

Man Narrator

They hugged each other, like they would say they were finally free. And then they laughed. One imagines being locked up for 30 years in an elevator, then to open the door with friends and say “I don’t believe it.” They have only seen people wearing protective clothing; they have never had regular contact. They never learned to climb, because they were brought to the laboratory as babies. Now they can finally get out.

Woman Narrator

Most of the former 38 monkeys have spent the entire lives behind bars. Since 2002, they are now in an Austrian village, slowing being prepared a life in freedom. This moment was for both animal and people equally unique.

Man Narrator

I saw a chimpanzee, who was starring completely fascinated at a butterfly. He knew it, from back when he was a small chimpanzee in the jungle, and now he can see them again.

Woman Narrator

And the monkeys that were born in the laboratory are discovering everything for the first time. The air, the grass, the freedom.

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