September 9, 2011

Yoga Forefather.

B.K.S. Iyengar: “Those gifts of ill health…”

The story of BKS Iyengar is the story of yoga coming to the West:

> Bonus.

> Bonus video:

“This is a film made by McPetruk in 1938 showing and shows Iyengar demonstrating yoga. Here we see a young Iyengar (still alive, well, and doing yoga, BTW) doing advanced poses that constitute the advanced A & B astanga series. This is obviously well before Iyengar dropped the vinyasa aspect from his practice and rebranded it as “Iyengar Yoga”, putting greater emphasis on alignment.”

> Another…

> An odd, sweet, beautiful one “Happy 90th, Guruji.”

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