September 30, 2011

Live Like A Superhero? ~ Tiffany Cruikshank

Photo: Lady Yoga, Superhero

Recently I wrote an article on how to unleash your inner superhero…and it got me thinking.

Normally I think of superheroes as fantasy figures with superhuman powers that live in a world (very) separate from my own. But, really, superheroes are just ordinary human beings with what seems to be limitless power. So as a human being how can I harness that potential?

Now it’s been a while since I watched Superman, but I do vividly remember images of him saving the day. I remember Superman as a normal everyday human being…when suddenly duty calls, and he would dart off to save someone.

What I really love about this image is the selfless premise of the life of a superhero. A superhero lives an ordinary life saving the day as needed with no thought of being a hero because their normal human existence is unknown to the world. A superhero saves the day because they know the future of the world depends on it. A superhero gives up anything from their life that is unnecessary so that they can focus all their effort on cultivating their super powers to save what’s good in the world.

From a yogis perspective superheroes are the ultimate karma yogis. They save the day with no thought of anything in return, not fame or fortune or anything at all, simply to help mankind.

So I started thinking about it more and more. What if I were a superhero, how would my life be different? How would a superhero practice yoga? How would a superhero eat? How would a superhero live?

How different would your day be if you approached it as a superhero, so that everything you do is to feed yourself so that you can better support your community?

What if your life, like a superhero, was a selfless gift to the world?

To be continued…


An internationally known yoga teacher, author and health & wellness expert Tiffany Cruikshank travels the globe inspiring people all over the world to live their lives to the fullest. Tiffany is known for her lighthearted attention to detail and passionate dedication to the practice. With her training in Acupuncture & Sports Medicine her yoga classes are guided by a strong anatomic focus intermingled with her characteristic playfulness using movement as medicine. Tiffany is the Acupuncturist & Yoga Teacher at the Nike World Headquarters in Portland, Oregon and has been featured in various video & print ads including ads for Nike and Lululemon. You can take class with her on YogaGlo.com or read her articles on MindBodyGreen.com, Origin Magazine & ElephantJournal.com among others. Her book, Optimal Health For A Vibrant Life, is a 30 day detox for yogis.  For her traveling, teacher training & retreat schedule go to www.TiffanyYoga.com



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