September 26, 2011

350, Biking from Boulder to Denver, & Moving Planet Colorado. (Video)

I’ve biked everywhere—but I’d never ridden my bicycle from my hometown of Boulder to Denver before, and I’ll never forget the inspirational 37 mile journey to the steps of the capitol.

Moving Planet is part of 350.org’s global initiative to move past Fossil Fuels.  This past Saturday September 24th, there were 2000 events in more than 75 countries where people took to the streets (using people powered vehicles) to urge leaders to commit to clean energy.

Here in Boulder we rode bikes from the Municipal Building to the steps of the Capitol in Denver.  Along the way we stopped at power plants and dirty coal sites, whoopin’ and hollerin’ to get out voices heard.

There were kids, adults and activists but mainly it was a group of regular people who want to see a change in the world of dirty energy.  It was empowering, inspirational and fun.

We left at 9am in Boulder and arrived in Denver at 5pm.  Here’s a video from our journey.

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