October 22, 2011

92-year-old Pete Seeger sings at Occupy Wall Street.

A living treasure, the man I most want to interview, got down in the crowd with We the People last night, as he’s been doing for, what, 60 years? Here’s the video.

92 year old Pete Seeger marched down Broadway to Occupy Columbus Circle in solidarity for the 99% Occupy Wall Street. David Amram, Arlo Guthrie, Top Chapin sing “This Little Light of Mine” Odetta was there in spirit. “We are the 99%”

If [he] can walk 36 blocks at midnight with Occupy Wall Street, then so can you.

92-year-old folk legend Pete Seeger (seen waving cane at 50-second mark) marches 36 blocks with Occupy Wall Street from a performance at Symphony Space on Broadway and 95th Street in the Upper West Side of Manhattan down to Broadway and 59th Street for a sing-a-long at Columbus Circle.

This footage was shot shortly after midnight as the protesters neared Columbus Circle.

Occupying the Internets at http://www.michaelmoore.com

Occupy Wall Street: Pete Seeger Marches to Columbus Circle

Seeger and a crowd of several hundred marched some 30 blocks for an impromptu concert in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Here they sing “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around.”

Pete Seeger and Occupy Wall Street Sing ‘We Shall Overcome’ at Columbus Circle (10/21/11)

Pete Seeger joined Occupy Wall Street on a march from Broadway and 95th Street in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, down to Columbus Circle at Broadway and 59th Street. When we got there, this is what happened.

Letting it shine at http://www.michaelmoore.com

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