October 7, 2011

Whenever Things Get Difficult or Complicated, I Always Return to This.


What is it that brings us happiness?
I am deeply troubled by this in my life.
I seek guidance from your superior years
And knowledge of the ancient Yoga texts.


All you desire to learn about happiness
Is to be found in the ancient scriptures.

Study the Bhagavad Gita,
the Yoga Sutra,
and the Upanishads
Until they are as close to your heart as your heart itself.
Then you will know how to be truly happy.


I will.  But can you not tell me yourself
Right here, right now, what I am to learn?


From the Bhagavad Gita
You will learn to live the life you are destined to live
Always full of love in your heart,
To live with great purpose and to act decisively
But with no ego attachment to the results.

From the Yoga Sutra
You will learn that the secret of happiness
Is strong self-discipline of the body and the mind
And the ability to travel deeply
Into the true nature of reality.

From the Upanishads
You will learn that you are already supremely happy
Because you are already perfect and divine.
You are already the absolute wonder of the universe.


These are indeed overwhelming truths.
I will study the Gita, the Sutra, and the Upanishads.
But what can I do right now
To begin to experience these truths?


Focus gently on the present moment
Without judgment or ego.

Focusing on the present moment
Will allow you to act decisively with love
Without your ego being attached to the results
As prescribed in the Bhagavad Gita.

Concentrating on the present moment
Is the essence of self-discipline and meditation
As prescribed in the Yoga Sutra.

By focusing on the present moment
You will start to see
That every moment is divine and precious
And that you are already the very life force of the universe
As taught in the Upanishads.


My mind spins.  I ache for more.
I will approach these profound and ancient texts
With an open heart
And a fervent desire to drink of their wisdom.


 See also
Yoga Demystified: The Six Big Ideas

Bhagavad Gita in a Nutshell

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