November 2, 2011


Florence and the Machine gives a personal acoustic show to teen with cancer at Hospice Austin’s Christopher House, after the teen missed her show the previous night due to illness (youtube.com)

“Today we were privileged to witness the clear joy of a room full of teenagers singing with Florence Welch and guitarist Rob Ackroyd from Florence and The Machine who came to Hospice Austin’s Christopher House to give a private concert to a teen who missed her concert last night due to her illness. The room was full; full of joy and warmth and love and life and singing. Thank you, Florence!”

“Hospice Austin’s 15-year-old patient had long planned to go see Florence and the Machine with her BFF at the Austin 360 amphitheater; she was bitterly disappointed when her health prevented her from attending. So Florence came to her at Hospice Austin’s Christopher House. Thank you, Florence, for your loving kindness, and for making our patient’s day.”


I first heard the song watching this video, which (though it should be cheesy) still gets me.

Florence + the Machine: Dog Days are Over {Live}

Everyone knows this song, by now. Whether you like it or not, or more likely loved-it and now are fast-getting-sick-of-it (me). So, seeing/hearing this live version—a breath of fresh air into the overplayed song that I nevertheless love. Enjoy:


More versions:


So hot: and glad she didn’t fallll.

Hometown crowd:

So many versions!


On Letterman: Weird ending, great version overall.

I like her barefoot, makes me less nervous for her running about!



~ Okay, that should be enough versions and then some. Posted a bunch ’cause the first one I listened to, couldn’t refind, so kept looking! Still not sick of the song, thankfully, after listening to all these.


The Official, with 20 million views and (quickly) counting: and still my fave version:

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