December 7, 2011

Christmas Gift? Combat Charity, Hang this on your Home/Office Wall.

Steve Jobs: a genius, a tough, even harsh leader, a perfectionist, an icon…a rebel.

“The now iconic quote debuted in a 1997 television commercial for Apple Computer. The text was said to have been mostly written by then Apple CEO Steve Jobs. He embodied the characteristics in this quote arguably better than anyone in history. Today it lives on as a mantra for artists, inventors, entrepreneurs and innovators around the world.”

Via Guy Kawasaki:

The stunningly-designed letterpress poster not only adds a splash of inspiration to your home or office decor, but proceeds from the print benefit the Acumen Fund, a charity combatting poverty.

Full story at TNW.

Shipping USA only.

Here’s the video, with a little Steve Jobs added posthumously.

Two other posters I appreciate. One from Etsy. One from Holstee.


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