December 23, 2011

Historic “First Kiss.”

Do Ask, Do Tell, Do Kiss.

Anytime you or anyone starts getting down on “these days,” remember it ain’t all bad.

Peace on Earth! Let’s hear it for old battles ending.

One war down, one war to go.

“First time we can show who we are.”


“It’s nice to be able to be myself.”

Navy first: Same-sex couple share homecoming first kiss:

Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta won a raffle on the dock landing ship Oak Hill to be the first to kiss a loved one on its return to Virginia Beach. Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell was waiting. Story: http://pilotonline.com/2011/12/two-womens-first-kiss-homecoming-first-navy-too


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