December 17, 2011

Kriya Yoga: Supercharge Your Spirituality. ~ Auren Kaplan

You already know the myriad benefits of doing yoga.

More focus, less stress, a more relaxed body and mind. Now imagine that your soul, your most eternal essence, can do yoga too… You can, and the practice (a science, actually) is called Kriya Yoga.

I was initiated into Kriya Yoga in early 2010. Kriya Yoga is passed down from teacher to student, so you have to be taught by an official hamsacharya, so as to keep the techniques in their most pristine and accurate form. At the time, I was embarking on an internal quest, a deep and wrenching struggle – what is it that I want to do with my life? (I was 23 at the time)

And then I did the Kriya Yoga. Night after night, I would sit on my lamb skin rug and practice, diligently. My practice brought deep core emotions to the surface, and it was challenging at times. I continued. The use of the lamb skin rug is interesting, Kriya Yoga actually creates an electric charge in your body. The lamb skin rug helps ground you and keeps the electricity flowing within your body.

While I can’t get into the specific techniques (every Kriya Yogi takes an oath to keep the techniques to herself, so that the teaching of the techniques are never diluted by unauthorized instruction), I can tell you about how this yoga affected me over time. Kriya yoga is designed, I believe, to tune the practitioner deeply and permanently into the present moment. I would sit, and as I practiced, I would notice my limiting beliefs starting to emerge from my subconscious. I could hear them, and it was almost as if with each run-through of the technique I was burning through them, I was evolving beyond them.

Kriya yoga exposes you to the infinite. And so instead of walking through life with your limited sense of self, you are given an opportunity to experience the thought patterns that would ultimately emerge if you had no limiting beliefs. It’s unusual to pair a yoga with shifting thought patterns, I know, but I really noticed that day in and day out, as I practiced the technique I would experience changes in my manner of thinking. Over a period of perhaps six months, I actually witnessed thought patterns that had previously captivated me, and I noticed something profound: I was free of them.

Like I said, I had been in a struggle. That struggle ended after months of practice of Kriya Yoga. Doing the yoga got me in touch with my deepest values, and soon the question was answered as to what exactly I want to do with my life (I want to start a business that works to end poverty, to learn about my values read this and this post from the Huffington Post, where I write).

Soon, I began to see the world through an evolving, emerging light. I saw the ever-changing play of consciousness that dances around us all. I saw my part in it. And most importantly, I saw how I could move in it.

I believe that each person exists at a particular level of tension. Some levels of tension are positive, others less so. Over time, I noticed that all tension in my body would give way, so that the only tension that remained was a creative one, where I was in conscious control over my thoughts and actions, and freed from what felt like shackles of unproductive thought patterns. It was as if I went from a poverty of the mind to a state of deep inner wealth.

Eventually I felt a wave of complete possibility wash over me. At mixers and midnight events I was mingling with millionaires, overcoming all intimidation and challenging them on their views on capitalism and business. I learned valuable lessons that are going to instruct my actions moving forward.

I felt super-charged. All I did was sit every day and practice Kriya Yoga, and I was awakened to a lifestyle of complete possibility, where things would always go my way.

I’m in a really good place now. I am in tune with my core, with my deepest values and beliefs. Even better, I live them every day. I owe this awareness, this staggering peace of mind, to the Kriya Yoga I practiced every day on my lamb skin rug.

Kriya Yoga is raw and powerful. It is also one of the most deeply peaceful and meditative yogas that exists, and it is a gift from Mahavatar Babaji himself. He created this yoga as part of a divine plan to bring spiritual truth to the West and the world at large, and he was greatly aided by Paramahansa Yogananda in this quest (I’m sure you’ve heard of him). My guru is Yogiraj Gurunath Siddanath, and he is part of a lineage that descends from Babaji himself. I supercharged my life, and my spirituality, by learning the Kriya Yoga. If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, what are you waiting for?

Learn more about Kriya Yoga here.

Find a teacher in your area here.

Auren Kaplan is a stu,dent of life, a Huffington Post blogger, and a 24 year old author and social entrepreneur.  A native of Detroit, he spends his days tweeting, Facebooking, and using LinkedIn for his clients while his evenings are spent building his business and cavorting with friends across the city and suburbs of Detroit.  He is currently authoring an autobiographical memoir about a road trip he took in the summer of 2009, where life-changing experiences with Couchsurfing showed Auren that it’s better to love first, and often.  He recently founded a blog on world peace, entitled AGlobalPeace.com. He is a staunch believer that Kriya Yoga is the spiritual technique for the salvation of humanity in this, the coming golden age.




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