Emotion into words, words into action, action into emotion
Today I make this affirmation. I make it for no other reason than as a statement of intention and a trust in its truth. Feelings will become words, words will become actions, and actions will become feelings. And so it is.
I hereby end the grip that the past has had on me. Those who have hurt me can hurt me no longer. Those who have inspired negative reactions can inspire them no longer. Those who have created in me an insanity preventing me from living life to its fullest no longer have such power. I erase you from my thoughts, from my mind, and from my actions. Out of dust you were created, and into dust you now return.
From this moment forward I only focus on the present, the here and the now. I no longer distrust this present because of the past. I no longer distrust those in my life due to the actions of those in my past. I no longer see YOU as my past abuser; I no longer see YOU as my past tormentor and I no longer judge you by the actions of others. You ARE special. You ARE unique. You are a Light unto yourself and you need to know that is exactly how I see you. I trust you to be YOU, and no one else.
In times when I may hear the distant voices from a past long ago creep into my mind, I will remember these words and focus on the Truth that is this moment. I share this with the Universe, and since you are not separate from this Universe I share it with you. This is my Truth.
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