January 11, 2012

“An image…that will live with you forever.”

My kind of Dad.

“Finish the race together.”

From first place to…broken down.

The heart-touching moments, for me, for some reason, where when the father angrily told off the rules-followers telling him to get off and get away.

Be a good father. Just do it:

Derek Redmond Olympic Games Finish the race together


The moment was cited by President Barack Obama in a speech highlighting the importance of the Olympics three years ago when Chicago was bidding for the 2016 Games.

“It was just a question of me getting on to help him. The world interpreted that in a different light,” the elder Redmond said. “The Games had lost that sort of direction. It was all about winning, winning, winning. We changed it by showing we were taking part. … We brought a different aspect to it without even planning it.”


Indirectly Relephant:

And: “…sacrifices the Gold Medal to help a fallen comrade – then goes on to win the race as well…”


In a famous event at the Australian National Championships of 1956,John Landy,the mile world record holder at the time,stops mid race to see if a fallen Ron Clarke (future multi world record breaker) is okay.On finding out he’s fine,Landy takes off and wins the race! If the sayng that “actions speak louder than words” to determine a persons character is true,then Landy is both a true sportsman and one helluva good guy! Respect.


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