January 22, 2012

Be Bold, Brilliant & Bodacious. ~ Sherri Rosen & Tyler Blanski

Johnny Shoepainter

When I lived at a Buddhist retreat center for two years (1995-1997), I was chosen to play the Garuda bird for a special performance.

It was not only a great honor, but an inspiration to play the Garuda bird. In Hindu and Buddhist mythology, this large mythical bird with eagle-like features symbolizes outrageousness, boldness and living audaciously. And, isn’t that exactly what we could use more of in life?

Sometimes we need to break out of the boxes we’ve been living in.

Too often we play it safe, hedge our bets, look for the easiest road. And, when we are afraid to take risks or to pursue our dreams, we settle for what’s familiar and safe. But the odds are that when we are only okay, out of danger or home free, we are not living from our hearts. Sure, we might be unhurt, uninjured and unscathed, but we are not really living either.

Don’t allow anyone to stop you from making your dream come true—not even yourself. Be bold. Be brilliant. Be bodacious. Break borders. Breach boundaries.

Another name for the Garuda bird is Suprana, which means “well-winged, having good wings.”

Sherri Rosen as Garuda Bird

Take a moment to reflect on your life. Are you living free? Are you happy with the choices you are making? Are you breaking out of cages and taking to the air? Are you flying?

According to some legends, the Garuda bird’s wing span stretches for miles and miles. So too may your dreams. The Garuda bird has the head and wings of an eagle and sometimes the body of a human, and is often called the King of birds. And it’s because it is wild and honest, brave and free.

Don’t worry if you might look ridiculous or different. Let others fret over popular opinion or common consensus. You need to be you, nothing less.


Sherri Rosen is now living in Harlem, New York. She has had her own publicity business for 12 years giving a powerful voice to people who are doing good things in the world.  She writes on her own blog at www.SherriRosen.Com, and www.GatekeepersPost, www.Triiibes.Com, www.Examiner.Com, and www.TheGoodMenProject.Com

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